<<< Your gut healing journey starts here >>>
Learn how to reduce chronic gut symptoms like bloat and constipation, relieve overhwhelm and take action to feel comfortable in your own skin.
Hello! My name is Jaclyn Renee but you can call me Jac!

I have been exactly where you are. Overwhelmed with all the healing options. Frustrated with doctors and not having answers. Wanting to feel relief so bad but not knowing where to start. 

In this course, I'll share how to get control back and empower your gut healing journey. I'll take you through a 3-video series of how to understand more about your symtpoms, where they could be stemming from and, of course, how to take massive action so you can feel conforatbel in your skin again. 
JRW Client Spotlight
What some of my clients have to say
"I feel like a completely different person after completing the masterclass. 
This program has been instrumental in changing my relationship with food. With Jaclyn's tips and recipes, I feel that I can continue to maintain a more healthy lifestyle."
What's Inside This Course:
  • Module 1: Introduction. The 3 roadblocks preventing you from fixing your gut successfully.
  • Module 2: Understanding Holistic Health. Getting to the root cause of your symptoms when modern medicine has failed you.
  • ​Module 3: How to know if you have an issue. Take this quiz to figure out where you are on my take action scale.
  • Module 4: How symptoms begin. The 5 foundational elements that wreck havoc on the gut. Downloadable guide to make quick changes. 
  • Module 5: Solutions. Learn how to stay consistent and provide time and space for your healing journey.
  • ​Module 6: BONUS! What do your next steps look like to continue your healing journey.
Word On The Street
What some of my clients have to say
Hear what some of my clients have to say
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